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constructivism : 1. (in art and architecture) an artistic movement in Russia from 1914 onward, which dismissed "pure" art in favour of art used as an instrument for social purposes (namedly, the construction of the socialist system).

2. (in philosophy) a view that reality, or at least our knowledge of it, is a value-laden subjective construction rather than a passive acquisition of objective features.

3. (in mathematics) constructivism rejects any mathematical existence proof that fails to "construct" the object whose existence is asserted.

4. (in political science and international relations theory) constructivism rejects standard materialist views of international relations and argues that state interests are constituted by ideas and norms.

5. (in linguistics theory) constructivism approaches the question of the origin of language as purely social, and all learning of linguistic forms are learned after birth.

6. (in education) constructivism is a learning theory which holds that knowledge is not transmitted unchanged from teacher to student, but instead that learning is an active process of recreating knowledge

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Related isms

  • deconstructivism
  • finitism
  • intuitionism

    External Links

  • Constructivism and Suprematism in Art
  • Constructivist Epistemology ~ from Wikipedia
  • Constructivism in Mathematics ~ from Wikipedia
  • Constructivism in Learning Theory ~ from Wikipedia

    Recommended Readings

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