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theravada-Buddhism : Theravada-Buddhism is often translated as "The Path Of The Elders," and is the form of Buddhism that traveled through Southern India and Sri Lanka, and was later introduced to the Indo-China states of Southeast Asia, namely Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Burma, where it thrived today. This form of Buddhism is often referred to as Hinayana (Lesser Cart) and contrasts with the Mahayana (Greater Vehicle) lineage.

While the The Mahayana lineage has absorbed and "officially" incorporated much of the indigenous religions of South and East Asia, hence the designation Greater Vehicle, the Theravada lineage has less readily incorporated outside influences (when compared with Mahayana-Buddhism).

Today's Theravada-Buddhism is heavily influenced by the culture of Southeast Asia, which had a history of Mahayana-Buddhism as well as Brahmanism, practiced not only by the population in general but also royal patronage.

Related isms

  • buddhism
  • Mahayana-Buddhism

    External Links

  • The Buddha Garden - Buddhism Articles and Resources

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